Friday, September 08, 2006

What is an Islamic Fascist?

There seems to be some rather trite debate about what is an Islamic Fascist? When does one consider one's self an Islamic Fascist? How do we tell when a person has crossed the ever delicate boundary of Islamic Socialist to Islamic Fascist? So, in case my liberal readers have reached some identity crisis over whether they are or are not an Islamic Fascist, I have designed the following questionnaire:

1. If you have ever felt the urge to scream alalalalalalalah and then blow something might be an Islamic Fascist

2. If your idea of a good time involves taking flying lessons just so you can learn how to take off... you might be an Islamic Fascist

3. If your idea of a family reunion is entering a room with a bunch of photos because they have all blown themselves up... you might be an Islamic Fascist

4. If your idea of religious freedom is being able to hear someone tell you to kill people over a blow horn... you might be an Islamic Fascist

5. If strapping 100lbs of explosives to yourself and detonating it ever appears to be a wise idea to continue your legacy... you might be an Islamic Fascist

6. If your idea of a good meal, is a visionary feast with numerous virgins... you might be an Islamic Fascist

7. If your map of the middle east involves, in any way, the Israeli Ocean... you might be an Islamic Fascist

8. If you throw a party because the price of gasoline just went UP... you might be an Islamic Fascist

9. If you view remote detonation as an unaffordable luxury... you might be an Islamic Fascist

10. If you view girls in bikinis as the epitome of evil and still pathologically believe you are straight... you might be an Islamic Fascist

11. If you are on your 23rd Bin Laden is my hero wall poster... you might be an Islamic Fascist

12. If you still actually subscribe to the New York Times... you might be an Islamic Fascist

13. If you think Katie Couric would look better in a veil, but you actually enjoyed her debut... you might be an Islamic Fascist (note: feeling the need to gag Katie Couric is not the same as veiling...if gagging is your impulse, you are normal)

14. If luxury transportation to you is a are probably just poor, BUT if you use that camel to feed your impulse to blow something up... you might be an Islamic Fascist

15. If you went and saw Flight 93, and yelled at the screen because your peeps failed... you might be an Islamic Fascist

16. If Gitmo is your idea of bad living conditions and the hills of Afghanistan are your idea of adequate accommodations... you might be an Islamic Fascist

This isn't a comprehensive list, please send new ones. Who knows maybe this will be the next big thing.

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