Thursday, September 07, 2006

Terror in Dreamland

Larry Elder's Townhall column today talked about inconsistencies of the left, through their use of the term "chicken-hawk." (someone who supports the use of force, but has never served in the military) Of course, Larry is right in pointing these out, but his criticism of "cheap shots," really shows his lack of a grasp of what rational discourse has become over the last decade. Cheap shots win. In that line, the "Springerization" of
American discourse, as a beloved professor called it, is what we face, so the only way to fight this inept fire, is with rational fire in return.

The left would have us believe that the greatest threat to America are these "Chicken Hawks." I argue that the greatest threat to our national security are "Chicken-Chickens." People who have never served, and don't want to fight. I of course am NO chicken-hawk. I am a frickin Hawk. A Hawk's hawk. I have served in Iraq. You want to mess with the United States of America, and my children's future? I will shoot you between the eyes and then nuke you out of spite, just so I don't have to clean up the mess. Ok, really, you get the idea. So, obviously, what really pisses me off are whiny, lily livered, pantywaists, who, A. Don't get it (Terrorists want to kill me?) B. Still don't get it (can't we use sanctions or something that won't break my fingernails? I just got them done.) C. Really don't friggin get it (So, you are telling me that in order to fight evil, I may have to actually fight?
Are we sure its evil? I mean, I was always taught that government money alleviates evil, can't we just give 'em a check or something?) These are the chicken-squared crowd. Yes, I know, God loves them, but I am human, so I am allowed to be a little more deferential. So, while they may live in lala dreamland. Us Hawks, and even chicken hawks, really do understand that there is evil and the terrorists embody that. Well, terrorists and child
molesters, but my blog on Michael Jackson will just have to wait. For now, let's kill the terrorists and stop helping them!

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