Monday, May 30, 2005

Why Can't We All Just Get Along

The question I raise today is: Have we become so diversified that our sense of national unity actually has fallen apart? I pose this as a question to which the answer will help build the strength of our nation or will slowly destroy us. Unfortunately, I have to include some disclaimers on the front end. I am not racist, never have been, I was raised better than that. To the opposite extreme I am, I actually believe and practice what I preach. That is right ladies and gentleman, I believe in equality and fairness, not matter what someone's race or ethnicity. Actual equality, not the fantasy made up equality that Democrats believe in. Their equality entails speaking for years and years about equality but only to attract votes. They have never done anything worthwhile dealing with civil rights. May I offer the south as a classic example. The south used to be the breeding ground for segregationist hatred, as it has slowly moved away from that hatred it has become increasingly Republican. Coincidence? I think not.
Some time ago, the Democratic party started to get the Black vote in the United States. This paradigm shift actually took place in the late twenties and early thirties. Polling, yes they had this even then, and public opinion among black Americans ws decidedly shifting from the party of Lincoln. They felt, alas, that the Republicans were taking advantage of them for votes and leaving them behind as soon as they went to Washington. So, the Democratic party for the first time thought, hey, we can do the same thing! And the rest is proverbial history. After 75 years, the promises are unfulfilled, Socialist thinking has not ended wide spread poverty of minorities or given them advanced status. Public opinion has dictated that affirmative action has actually hurt minorities more than helped. Lyndon Johnson's social programs have entered the country into debt and obligations, but again, this has spun a negative view of minorities in the minds of many Americans. It has also prevented, not helped, many Black and minority americans from advancing themselves socially, politically, and economically. And now we are a diverse culture, not in the good sense, but we are segregated once again. We are not all one big melting pot of Americans, we are African American, Mexican American, Cuban American, Irish American, German American, English American, Canadian American, Asian Pacific American, and more. We have chosen to ignore our destiny as a Nation and instead embraced our downfall as diverse camps of nationals who just happen to reside in the same general area. Whoopi Goldberg, as much as I hate her politics, was right when she said she was not African American, she was an American period. She received flak from all corners, but she was right and honest. I am a product of Immigration. My relatives came from abroad, one specific branch came from Germany less than a century ago, I am NOT A GERMAN AMERICAN! If anyone dares to call me a German American, I will punch them in the mouth and then kick them. I am an American. I don't have a separate constitution, I am an American and to say otherwise is a disgrace to my relatives who fought for a better life in this country in the wilderness of Minnesota to South Dakota.
So the question we have to ask ourselves is why do the Democrats want to break us into groups. They want to because it gives them more political power. They cannot when more than fifty percent of America's vote. So they play one group against the other for maximum effect. They know that if they do not get at least 85% of the black vote, they will not win the Presidency. They know if they don't get 75% of the Hispanic vote, they will not win another national election. They break them apart because they are able to demonize white people(Why else, do they spew that our Constitution only considers black people 3/5 of a person when that is not further from the truth. A free black was considered a full person just like everyone else. In fact, the slave owners would have been more than happy to have them count double. The northern states did not feel that they should reward slavery. You see, the more people the southern states freed, the more representatives they could get.) and pretend that they hold the keys to all minorities' prosperity. IF that was the case would they not have sprung them from their "bonds." No, because they know that a black American who is wealthy is more likely to vote Republican than a black American who is poor. The moment they give real opportunity to black people, they will start thinking about policy and not party. The Democrats will always lose on policy, all they have is their name brand.
Our diversification is pointless. We all have the same wants, the same needs, this is what true equality is, right? A national identity. Do we not want our children to grow up in a safer world. If that is protecting them from national trespassers from Mexico, then why does it matter if they are Mexican Americans? It doesn't! They are Americans and they want to be safe! What American wants to be taxed out the wahoo! I don't, you don't, and when the leaders of the Democratic party says that we are undertaxed (just for the record, undertaxed isn't even in the dictionary) as a nation! What American is going to vote for them? None, unless they are taught to break themselves into factions. So now we teach our children to think of themselves as a part of different factions. I was always taught that this was a part of the reason that racism develops, by separation. However, not any more, this is the politically correct way of doing business in America. Don't dare question this! You will be dubbed a racist.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Why Whimpy Conservatives cannot Communicate (The Week in Review)

It is a shame to me that us heartless conservatives cannot be a little more heartless! In general, Majority Leader Bill Frist has proved once and for all that not only is he not competent to run the Senate, how in the world is he going to run the country? At least we can strike one person off the list of possibilities for 2008. I like President Bush because he is ballsy, and when people underestimate him, he strikes back and leaves them wondering how in the world they lost even more power. But, if the Democrats can't beat us, we sure can beat ourselves! Senator Frist (I think he is still a Senator?) is the antithesis of ballsy. I don't even think he can spell it, and being a heart surgeon, I don't even think he knows where they are located. (Where is a proctologist when we need one?) Anyways, I digress, but I am just really ticked off at the incompetence of the national Republican party right now. At least they are smart enough to stand by the best whip/majority leader in recent history. We are the only political party that is presenting any ideas on things like social security, tax breaks for small business, and fixing medicare, however, we are constantly running neck and neck. I think this lies in our inability to really communicate. Why else do minorities constantly vote for Representatives and Senators that do absolutely nothing for them except use them for votes. Why else have we not been able to get Social Security legislation through? Why else haven't we pulled the plug on this "Nuclear" option two years earlier! I am getting to the point that I would almost rather us be in the minority! I think we focus a little more, we communicate a lot better, and it makes me proud to call myself a conservative and a Republican. Now, I am just content to be a conservative. And I promise you this, if things keep going this way, don't be surprised if a third party starts that is for conservatives, by conservatives, who might be in the minority but at least we know who we are and where our balls are.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Can Muslims Achieve Democracy?

That question is especially significant considering the current war we find ourselves in. I have a few problems with that question, however. First, I think that it is a little prejudicial to that particular religion. This assumes that a Muslim, simply because of his religion, does not want or posses a need for basic freedoms. All people feel the pull towards life, liberty, and property, even Muslims. Second, I think that is a liberal ploy that they are best suited for monarchies or perhaps tyranny. They are not. Many of the Iraqi people that I talk with say that not only understand the fundamentals of a democracy, they see that the most important linchpin is a secular governmental institution that allows the free practice of their religion. I will also say that I enjoy discussing politics with an Iraqi a lot more than most Americans. The fact that they know such terms as separation of powers, and actually know how they apply is heartening. But a secular government is seen as most important.
The news reports violence on a daily basis, however, it is unfortunate that they report it as a quagmire. They do not even care that most Iraqis are happy with the direction their country has taken. Or that if we reported deaths in the United States like they do Iraq, then it would appear that our Country is abrasive to Democracy. Our Senate is on the verge of a shut down, we cannot agree on social security, and there is countless acts of violence in our streets. Some one call the national guard! We are rejecting Democracy! Ma’am, settle down, I am in the National Guard and I am in Iraq because they need us there not in the United States.
Will it work? How can we judge them in two years what we have achieved in two hundred years. If you read the Madison notes of the Constitutional Convention, they were not at all certain that their experiment would work. It is a shame that in our day of internet and TV news, we aren’t willing to give them a chance. Could you imagine what the news coverage of our Constitutional Convention would have sounded like:
Hello, this is Bubba outside the Philadelphia State House where the delegates were meeting. It appears that there has been a break down and Benjamin Franklin has recommended that they all go to the church and pray about what to do next! That is right folks, you heard it here first. Benjamin Franklin is endorsing a theocracy as our new system of government! I think we were better off under the British. It wasn’t that bad. They will get taxed out the wahoo in Connecticut in a couple hundred years anyways…long live the Queen!
I am sure that if the media was as affluent and instant as it is now, we would be in a world of hurt. Iraq should be left alone long enough to realize their own destiny. Even if it takes going down to the Mosque to pray.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Rejection From a Liberal (my lesson in double talk)

So, after my wife made her attack...she got blasted and then they decided they like diversity. Of course, they like my wife's cuddly view of conservatism. I love her to death, but she doesn't like making people mad. Well, they asked her to get me to log on and post some. You can view my posts at scroll down to politics and view my thread. May I be the first to say that they can't handle my not-so-cuddly view of conservatism. After a day and a half of posting, I have been banned for making inflamatory comments, and decrying homosexuality and democrats. Banned! At first there was a sense of loss, but then I realized who was banning me, and frankly with the aptitude in the forum, the news was about like being banned from a gay bar for life. Big deal. However, I learned alot in those thirty-six hours. I learned that liberals like double speak. I got banned for being rude, however, in banning me they told me, and I quote:

This was clearly a guy of fairly limited intelligence who's been spending too much spare time while in Iraq browsing right wing blogs and websites. I wouldn't doubt that we could find him on the message board at Free with the other extremists talking about how happy they were when John Edwards' wife got breast cancer, since he was a blood-sucking trial lawyer who attacked doctors. (That was the gist of a LOOONNNNNGGGG thred over there last fall. He'd fit right in!)Anyway, it's embarrassing that guys like that wear the uniform. He's got "Abu Ghraib" written all over him.

SO, it is alright for him to call me an embarrassment to the uniform I wear and also stupid, however, I can't make a tongue in cheek argument that it seems that liberals thrive on bad news because it makes President Bush look bad. Here is the quote I was answering:

I must have missed the part in the Constitution that defined lying about a blow job as a high crime or misdemeanor, but lying about WMDs is okey dokey.

My response was as follows:

First of all, I will forgive your ignorance, it was perjury. Lying under oath. That is a crime in all fifty states, four territories, and DC. Second, there were WMD, Saddam used them. Of course, it was also good enough for Bill Clinton to bomb an Aspirin factory in Iraq. Bottomline, Americans like you would be happy that another 9-11 would take place so that you could blame President Bush for it. You are also the types get off in some sick way when you can report a new total for "dead in Iraq." Why? Because it makes the big bad Republican look bad. You care nothing about our nation's well being, you only want another moral deginerate who happens to be a Democrat, in the White House.

Just for the record, I was speaking tongue-in-cheek, but I guess, they didn't see the thought provoking statement, however, she did make this statement:

Oh, and yes, I'd be downright thrilled to see another 9/11. I revel in the thought of thousands of people dying so that I can blame Bush.

That was obviously tongue-in-cheek, but nobody attacked her. Bottomline is that liberals do not play fair. They will attack you and call your names, but if you do the same, they will call you rude and do the liberal's equivalent of taking their ball and going home, banning you from their discourse. The first ammendment works really well for anyone who is liberal, of course it was never intended for conservatives. (That my friends was tongue in cheek, if you couldn't tell)