Thursday, May 05, 2005

Rejection From a Liberal (my lesson in double talk)

So, after my wife made her attack...she got blasted and then they decided they like diversity. Of course, they like my wife's cuddly view of conservatism. I love her to death, but she doesn't like making people mad. Well, they asked her to get me to log on and post some. You can view my posts at scroll down to politics and view my thread. May I be the first to say that they can't handle my not-so-cuddly view of conservatism. After a day and a half of posting, I have been banned for making inflamatory comments, and decrying homosexuality and democrats. Banned! At first there was a sense of loss, but then I realized who was banning me, and frankly with the aptitude in the forum, the news was about like being banned from a gay bar for life. Big deal. However, I learned alot in those thirty-six hours. I learned that liberals like double speak. I got banned for being rude, however, in banning me they told me, and I quote:

This was clearly a guy of fairly limited intelligence who's been spending too much spare time while in Iraq browsing right wing blogs and websites. I wouldn't doubt that we could find him on the message board at Free with the other extremists talking about how happy they were when John Edwards' wife got breast cancer, since he was a blood-sucking trial lawyer who attacked doctors. (That was the gist of a LOOONNNNNGGGG thred over there last fall. He'd fit right in!)Anyway, it's embarrassing that guys like that wear the uniform. He's got "Abu Ghraib" written all over him.

SO, it is alright for him to call me an embarrassment to the uniform I wear and also stupid, however, I can't make a tongue in cheek argument that it seems that liberals thrive on bad news because it makes President Bush look bad. Here is the quote I was answering:

I must have missed the part in the Constitution that defined lying about a blow job as a high crime or misdemeanor, but lying about WMDs is okey dokey.

My response was as follows:

First of all, I will forgive your ignorance, it was perjury. Lying under oath. That is a crime in all fifty states, four territories, and DC. Second, there were WMD, Saddam used them. Of course, it was also good enough for Bill Clinton to bomb an Aspirin factory in Iraq. Bottomline, Americans like you would be happy that another 9-11 would take place so that you could blame President Bush for it. You are also the types get off in some sick way when you can report a new total for "dead in Iraq." Why? Because it makes the big bad Republican look bad. You care nothing about our nation's well being, you only want another moral deginerate who happens to be a Democrat, in the White House.

Just for the record, I was speaking tongue-in-cheek, but I guess, they didn't see the thought provoking statement, however, she did make this statement:

Oh, and yes, I'd be downright thrilled to see another 9/11. I revel in the thought of thousands of people dying so that I can blame Bush.

That was obviously tongue-in-cheek, but nobody attacked her. Bottomline is that liberals do not play fair. They will attack you and call your names, but if you do the same, they will call you rude and do the liberal's equivalent of taking their ball and going home, banning you from their discourse. The first ammendment works really well for anyone who is liberal, of course it was never intended for conservatives. (That my friends was tongue in cheek, if you couldn't tell)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is the response post that I put on the twins forum:

Let me be the first to say that I am one PROUD ARMY WIFE! It does not matter that a bunch of liberals say that he is a disgrace to his uniform. I know that the truth of it all is that his sacrifices in that uniform are what makes ignorant people like this be able to make their dumb remarks without seeing any consequences from them. I have been told before that sure it is easy to say "freedom isn't free." Well, yeah that is a coined term, but might they never forget that in most of the rest of the world comments such as theirs against our Commander in Chief as well as our military would result in a knocking at the door in the darkness of night! In this great nation that we live in, we do not have to worry about such evil political corruption. Instead, we as Americans can freely speak out about whether or not our president lied while in office, and it is not only accepted, but expected. It is a sad, sad day when these Americans who are so quick to ostracise one for "being negative" towards one of their own, show such hypocracy in the fact that they tell an American soldier that he is a "an embarrassement in his uniform?" Wow, that is just wrong. I don't care if he does say things that are against your beliefs or if he even offends you. He is still putting his life on the line for the name of YOUR nation! A lot of what is said by liberals in uniform is offensive to me, however I don't say that they are an embarrassement to the US Armed Forces! God Bless their willingness to serve and may God bring them home safely!

For those liberals who fequent extreme right boards such as, they should realize that one, my husband's name is nowhere connected with there websites or blogs, two, it is quite off the edge to say things such as:

"I wouldn't doubt that we could find him on the message board at with the other extremists talking about how happy they were when John Edwards' wife got breast cancer, since he was a blood-sucking trial lawyer who attacked doctors. (That was the gist of a LOOONNNNNGGGG thread over there last fall."

I know that I can speak for my husband here...since he was banned without being able to respond to you hateful comments. He might not agree with what Edwards believes in, but he not rejoice in his wife's life threatening disease. Anyone who would say such a thing is obviously ignorant to who my husband really is.

One thing that these so quick to speak liberals are missing is that he is not spending HIS free time visiting these right winged sites like they are (since they obviously know what the posts are on???) He is spending his time fighting TERRORISTS! No, not scrounging for oil money like so many of you believe our presidnet has these men and women doing. He is actually defending freeddom against...T_E_R_R_O_I_S_T_S like those responsiblie for that tragedy on 911. If you doubt what is actually occuring over there, feel free to checkout the articles from a local news reporter stationed with these men. *************** Web address left out for security reasons******** His accounts are not left or right winged, but are factual accounts of what he is seeing. You can read what these men are doing day to day to literally protect our freedom and the saftey of us here in the states.

I guess what makes me the most upset about how things were handled is that you guys knew what was coming. I told you that he was not only a conservative but that he was a political science major who was hoping to run for office someday. In my book this says that he is probably going to be opinionated in some of the stuff that he has to say about your comments to him. It is sad when certain members of the group said that they were looking forward to hearing what he had to say from the front lines, and then within 36 hours of him posting you kick him out? I see that we have some real open-minded, hypocritcal people in this group! Is it SOOOO wrong to offend one another in your posts, but as soon as you disagree with what is said, you don't turn the other cheek and come right back at him ( the way politics is supposed to work.) You first bann him from replying to your resonses and then trash talk him? Wow, that seems fair. I am so glad to see that we live in a free equal society, which is so obviously protrayed with the actions of these forum members! In my view this is kind of flashing back to my childhood, "Fine, I don't like you anymore! I'm taking my ball and going home! naa!" Wasn't this thread supposed to be a POLITICAL DEBATE thead? I guess that it should have been listed in the threads pertaining to ..."Extreme Liberal Views: Bashing Conservitives for Serving Their Country and then Banning Them." Well I guess you now have the title for the thread you'll use to critize an American Soldier who can't even defend himself.

You don't have to worry about responding to me beacuse I will not be reading them. I am going to be taking myself off the members list. I was hoping to be able to learn more about raising my precious twin nieces and maybe participate in a little political discourse, but this is not worth my time. I can MUCH better use my time actually supporting this great nation with the charity projects I am involved in, an adoption program for the pregnant wives of deployed soldiers, as well as our own project sending to date over 400 lbs of clothing and school supplies to the children of Iraq. Why waste time listening to the petty griping of liberals who get mad when you don't play the game your way. Have fun bashing us and our troops.

Tom and Giesele, may God bring him home to you safe and soon! ALL of our service members are in my prayers.

-A Wife who is VERY proud of her soldier and the nation he is defending-

P.S. I seem to not understand the concept that if you are so up on your constitutional rights, then how did you miss the line that speaks of our right as Americans to Freedom of Speech? You might need to go back and high-light that one.