Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Can Muslims Achieve Democracy?

That question is especially significant considering the current war we find ourselves in. I have a few problems with that question, however. First, I think that it is a little prejudicial to that particular religion. This assumes that a Muslim, simply because of his religion, does not want or posses a need for basic freedoms. All people feel the pull towards life, liberty, and property, even Muslims. Second, I think that is a liberal ploy that they are best suited for monarchies or perhaps tyranny. They are not. Many of the Iraqi people that I talk with say that not only understand the fundamentals of a democracy, they see that the most important linchpin is a secular governmental institution that allows the free practice of their religion. I will also say that I enjoy discussing politics with an Iraqi a lot more than most Americans. The fact that they know such terms as separation of powers, and actually know how they apply is heartening. But a secular government is seen as most important.
The news reports violence on a daily basis, however, it is unfortunate that they report it as a quagmire. They do not even care that most Iraqis are happy with the direction their country has taken. Or that if we reported deaths in the United States like they do Iraq, then it would appear that our Country is abrasive to Democracy. Our Senate is on the verge of a shut down, we cannot agree on social security, and there is countless acts of violence in our streets. Some one call the national guard! We are rejecting Democracy! Ma’am, settle down, I am in the National Guard and I am in Iraq because they need us there not in the United States.
Will it work? How can we judge them in two years what we have achieved in two hundred years. If you read the Madison notes of the Constitutional Convention, they were not at all certain that their experiment would work. It is a shame that in our day of internet and TV news, we aren’t willing to give them a chance. Could you imagine what the news coverage of our Constitutional Convention would have sounded like:
Hello, this is Bubba outside the Philadelphia State House where the delegates were meeting. It appears that there has been a break down and Benjamin Franklin has recommended that they all go to the church and pray about what to do next! That is right folks, you heard it here first. Benjamin Franklin is endorsing a theocracy as our new system of government! I think we were better off under the British. It wasn’t that bad. They will get taxed out the wahoo in Connecticut in a couple hundred years anyways…long live the Queen!
I am sure that if the media was as affluent and instant as it is now, we would be in a world of hurt. Iraq should be left alone long enough to realize their own destiny. Even if it takes going down to the Mosque to pray.

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