Thursday, April 14, 2005

A Lighter for Your Security?

That is right, now, we cannot take a lighter on an airplane. Why? You ask. Well, let's just say that it is something that two Democratic Senators thought up to make our lives more secure. So, someone must have tried to make a lighter bomb, right? No. Someone threatened to burn someone to death? No. Unfortunately, this is way that liberals think. They believe that they need to protect us from every possible insecurity. Except for of course border security, letting people carry handguns, and allowing the military to do their jobs without harassment. This would be too risky, but they will take my lighter, besides the fact that a white male has never tried to attack an airline with one. They will take Grandma's crochet hooks, besides the fact that no grandma anywhere has used such hooks to inflict acts of terror. They will force me to take off my children's shoes, even though no Caucasian family has used their children as weapons of terror on a plane. A military family at that! The bottom line is that the Democratic and liberal thinking is to do a lot of menial non-influential things that you can point to in an election year. Hopefully, we will all come to realize that these menial things are merely that. Menial! If these are the policies that we are going to adopt to make us more secure, why in the world do we hire such ignorant people to the Senate and House? I can come up with mundane policy too, but I will never get elected because I am poor, non-influential, and I actually care enough to try and change Washington. So, until we get more people interested in changing Washington, we will get more laws that claim to protect our security, but really don't. May God have mercy on our souls and our constitution.

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